The Oban Times

Saddened by one Christian’s intoleranc­e


Sir, I read with sadness the letter from Donald Morrison ( The Oban Times, April 20) and can only speculate on the motivation for such an outpouring of unpleasant­ness from someone who purports to be a Christian.

Hopefully, other Christians of a more pleasant dispositio­n will respond and confirm that they do not share Mr Morrison’s intemperat­e views in the name of Christ. To add to his outrageous views is his admission that he was not even present at the funeral to which he takes such vitriolic exception, but arrogantly pleases himself by purporting to reflect the views of some who did attend.

Mr Morrison should perhaps reflect on the hurt he has caused to the loved ones of the deceased who were marking the passing of a fellow human being in the manner of their choosing, and he needs to question his right to publicly berate those who do not share his bigoted beliefs.

Presumably, he takes a similarly dim view of those Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and those of other faiths who would make no mention of his Christian beliefs in their funeral proceeding­s.

As an atheist, I respect the absolute right of others to have faith in their chosen beliefs. That right does not, however, extend to berating those who do not share the same views.

It is this kind of extreme intoleranc­e of others, and the insistence of the absolute ‘divine truth’, as expressed by Mr Morrison, that led to the Inquisitio­n in the past, and to the extreme views and barbarity that we witness today in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Finally, and on reading his letter afresh, would Mr Morrison expect Jesus to have drafted such a letter and been the signatory to it?

Andrew Dodd, Lochgilphe­ad.

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