The Oban Times

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There were a lot of messages of congratula­tions as councillor­s were re-elected and newly elected to Argyll and Bute Council on Thursday.

Glenda Macleod: I saw Elaine digging and sweating to sort out a garden at Longsdale... I always said to my manager son don’t ask your staff to do what you are not willing to do ... and I think Elaine has done that ... good luck to her.

Donna Macculloch: Well done Andrew Vennard. Christine Hamilton: Well done Julie for SNP and well done Elaine Robertson. But not everyone was happy... Kathryn Webster: O mg why Scotland? Why? Sad, sad day. Laura Wathey: SNP have had more than enough time to turn things round and over the years have proved they are no better or worse than any of the other parties, personally I don’t know who to be more concerned about Conservati­ves or the Nationalis­ts.

Peter Miller: Was surprised there were not many Green. If there had been, the picture might change as we are getting bored with the same people running and we still have the same council. It is now up to them to prove us wrong and stop the in-fighting and make Argyll and Bute strong. Vincent Thomas Muir: Overall the tactical voting of the ‘NO’ voting sheeple across Scotland has made these local elections farcical. Methinks

they will eventually shoot themselves in their feet. We’ll spend the next five years watching one minority partner jumping into the sack with another before having a lover’s tiff and the resultant fallout, next to nil decisions will be amicably arrived at to the cost to our society!

Catriona MacPhail: I have been at many events over last year through school, child’s tournament­s, WRI, care groups and Breege Smith has been at all of them. Elaine Robertson am sure also is a person for the people as see her also at various places, but so many names above you see just prior to elections and that’s not enough. So sorry Breege didn’t make it this time.

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