The Oban Times

Packed programme of event planned for Oban


WE’RE heading into another really busy weekend, and it’s so busy that I don’t think you could do it all no matter how hard you tried, writes Oban town ambassador Kay MacDonald.

It’s starting with a performanc­e by the Fox and Hound Theatre Company on Friday night in the Corran Halls, a Tennessee Williams double-bill and a new piece after which there’s the chance to speak to the cast and ask questions.

On Saturday it’s all go starting with the weekly parkrun at Ganavan Sands for runners and walkers at 9.30am. Then it’s on to the summer craft fair in the Corran Halls from 11am to 5pm. There’s a tea dance in aid of Cancer Research UK in Glencruitt­en Parish Church Hall at 2pm for those who fancy a wee dance and nice tea and cake and, to top off the events in Oban, Skipinnish Ceilidh House has the West Coast whisky feis from noon till 6pm for those of you who, like me, enjoy sampling the best Scotland has to offer in whisky and gin.

That’s not all, though. It’s also Taynuilt Highland Games day – if you’re not already exhausted at the thought of running round all the things availa- ble to see and do – and not forgetting that Waterstone’s has a fantastic book signing between 2pm and 4pm with author Brooke Magnanti.

In the evening there’s time to relax at Oban Phoenix Cinema with a live screening of Andre Rieu. I can’t think of a better way to finish off a busy day.

Of course there are lots more things available to do, including boat trips, Atlantis Leisure Centre, the sealife centre, the marine centre at SAMS which is fabulous ... the list goes on and on, including my highlight of last week, Des

picable Me 3 at the cinema. I think I laughed louder than all the children there.

Enjoy your weekend everyone, however you choose to spend it. I may well have to try to get round as much as I can so I may be a wee frazzled heap by Sunday.

I think last week’s photo was too easy as everyone seems to recognise it from the statue of Neptune on the Railway Pier. Hopefully, this week’s will have you guessing again.

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