The Oban Times


- with Sergeant Iain MacNicol

Break-in on Tiree

BETWEEN July 26 and 31, an empty thatched cottage at Balevullin, Tiree, was broken into. Police are investigat­ing and are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any informatio­n to contact them.

Woman detained

ABOUT 6am on Tuesday August 1, following a report of a woman assaulting a man in a house in Connel, a 39-year- old woman was detained. The woman was later arrested and charged with serious assault, was held for court and a report was submitted to the procurator fiscal.

Theft of wiring

BETWEEN July 17 and August 1, a quantity of electric cable and copper wiring was stolen from Kinloch sub-station, Pennyghael, on the Isle of Mull. Police are appealing for anyone with any informatio­n to contact them.

Dunbeg assault

ABOUT 3pm on Tuesday August 1, following a report of a woman assaulting a man, in a house in Dunbeg, Oban, a 16-year- old woman was detained. The woman was later arrested and charged with assault, was held for court and a report was submitted to the procurator fiscal.

Vehicle damaged

BETWEEN 1.45pm and 5pm on Wednesday August 2, on St Conans Road, Lochawe, a silver Skoda was damaged by having its paintwork scratched.


ABOUT 12.30am on Sunday August 6, on the B8073 near Dervaig, Isle of Mull, a vehicle was stopped and the 25-yearold man was arrested for allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol. A report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.


ABOUT 9.30am on Thursday August 3, on the A85 near Taynuilt, a vehicle was stopped and the 29-year- old man who was driving was arrested for driving while disqualifi­ed. The man was also in breach of court bail conditions by being in the company of a woman. The man was held for court and a report was submitted to the procurator fiscal.

Abusive behaviour

ABOUT 4.45pm on Friday August 4, following a report of a man behaving in an abusive manner and assaulting a woman in a flat in High Street, Oban, a 33-year- old man was detained. The man was arrested and charged with assault and abusive behaviour, was held for court and a report was sent to the procurator fiscal. Anyone with informatio­n in relation to the above is asked to call local police 101.

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