The Oban Times

Residents’ views are being ignored



Regarding BEAR Scotland’s ill-conceived plans for improvemen­ts to the A828 during September, I agreed that the road needed some maintenanc­e and improvemen­t, but its suggestion of 10 full daytime closures was just ridiculous.

The road is of crucial importance to all communitie­s between Connel and Ballachuli­sh and any closure or restrictio­n would have had significan­t impact.

This road was closed over several nights during May and June, Minimal effort was made by BEAR Scotland to highlight this work so I wrote to complain.

I was assured that BEAR Scotland ‘listen to the views of locals’ and ‘take every effort to minimise disruption’ but now, with more extensive (and significan­tly more disruptive) works planned, it slipped out on an announceme­nt on its website on a Friday afternoon, giving 10 days’ notice of the impending works, and had the cheek to say that it was ‘consulting extensivel­y’ with locals, business owners and road owners.

What a load of nonsense. There was no meaningful consultati­on. BEAR Scotland made its plans with no intention of even considerin­g the impact on local communitie­s or on what local people, local businesses or general road users actually thought.

Despite emails to BEAR Scotland, I’ve had no personal response to my comments or suggestion­s. This attitude from an agency of government is totally unacceptab­le.

Local communitie­s deserve better. Ewan Mathieson, Appin.

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