The Oban Times

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There was high praise for Diarmid ‘Des’ MacMillan, who organised a two-mile walk through Oban to raise awareness of mental health issues.

DT Gray: ‘Superb Diarmid! The more that’s done in smaller towns to raise awareness about mental health and surroundin­g issues the better. It’s sometimes harder to talk to people when you know everybody and everybody knows you.’

Gail William Martin Lockhart: ‘Well done Diarmid X definitely more like 200 don’t think myself and your lovely wife Tina have ever made so many teas and coffees fantastic speakers and met so many lovely people.’

Katie Bryce: ‘It was a good day good turn out well done Diarmid.’

Jean Redpath: ‘Thank goodness this is recognised well done.

There was also further comment on the opposition to 44 new homes at Lonan Drive in Oban, after the planning applicatio­n was withdrawn. Morven Hunter: ‘The land that the houses are proposed to be built on is one of the only green spaces that people can safely walk through in that area. It is full of wildlife such as bats, birds, deer and squirrels all of which will be lost if it’s developed.’

Frances Black: ‘I think more homes are needed I know what it was like to be desperate to get a house saying this I just live round the corner from where they plan to build the homes are much needed these days.’

Jane Boyle: ‘Oban needs a workforce and a workforce needs places to live.’

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