The Oban Times

Thought for the week

- Rev Tom Telfer, Kilchrenan and Dalavich, linked with Muckairn.

DANIEL BROWN said something like this in the midst of a seminar I once attended: ‘No matter how bad things are – if you are breathing and there is someone who loves you like crazy, then I have great hope for you.’

He also said that he didn’t think that self-esteem/selflove originates within the self. It is a reflective love. It starts at the very beginning of our lives.

Those parenting us are our whole life and we invest everything into them. And if they reflect back to us love and care and nurture, then we receive the initial gift of a positive self-esteem.

I am certain that it was out of the riches of ‘this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased’ that Jesus was able to give his life away so freely, so consistent­ly and to his last breath.

The Gospel of John says: ‘The truth will set you free.’ The great truth that will set us free is the great love God has shown to us in Jesus Christ. It is for us to hear ‘this is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased’.

As John’s first letter states: ‘We love because God first loved us.’

I would invite you to love God with all your being and receive from God the gift of a love that has no end. And by the love of God to be set free to love yourself and to love others as you have been loved.

So, no matter where you are in life today – since you are breathing and our God loves you like crazy, I have great hope for you.

Be free and live your life as the great gift of love it is.

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