The Oban Times



AT ABOUT 12.25am on Friday May 25, in George Street, Oban, a 21-year-old man was issued with a recorded police warning for consuming alcohol in a public place, in contravent­ion of local bye-laws.

ON FRIDAY May 25, a flat in Rhuvaal Road, Oban, and a flat in High Street, Oban, were searched. Men aged 24 and 56 and a woman aged 59 were allegedly found to be in possession of cannabis. All were charged and reports will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.

AT ABOUT 11.30pm, on Friday May 25, on the A85 in Connel, a car was stopped and searched and a 21-year-old man was found in possession of a small quantity of cannabis. The man was charged and issued with a recordable police warning.

BETWEEN 6pm on Saturday May 26 and 10am on Sunday May 27, the public toilets in School Brae, Taynuilt, were damaged by having two ceiling panels removed and broken.

BETWEEN 11.05pm and 11.25pm on Saturday May 26, the glass panel on the door of a house in Combie Street, Oban, was damaged by being cracked.

BETWEEN 11.55pm on Saturday May 26 and 8am on Sunday May 27, at the staff accommodat­ion of the Isle of Eriska Hotel, Benderloch, a Volkswagen Golf car was damaged by having two tyres punctured.

AT ABOUT 1am on Sunday May 27, in Quarry Road, Oban, a red Renault Scenic car was damaged when youths allegedly pushed a shopping trolley against the vehicle.

AT ABOUT 7.40pm on Sunday May 27, in George Street, Oban, men aged 33, 34 and 28 allegedly behaved in an abusive manner and were fighting each other. On completion of police inquiries, the men will be charged and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.

If any member of the public has informatio­n in relation to the above, or to any incident, they can contact their local police office on telephone number 101, or anonymousl­y through Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

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