The Oban Times

MSP speaks out in row over Oban Bay


MSP Michael Russell has stepped into the row over who should control Oban Bay following meetings with, and representa­tions from, many Oban residents and a number of local organisati­ons regarding the proposal from CMAL and CalMac for a new, and restrictiv­e, regulating order for the bay.

He has now written to the chief executives of CMAL and CalMac calling for a pause in any action until there is an independen­t assessment of what, if any, new actions are required to control the waters and access to the piers, and who should be responsibl­e for such control.

Last month, a public meeting to discuss a bid by CMAL to manage all of Oban Bay heard it should not be run by a single user and should instead become a trust port.

Duncan Martin, custodian of Oban’s town moorings, said: ‘It is Oban’s harbour.

It is not CMAL’s harbour.

It must never be CMAL’s harbour.

‘Oban would be unique in having its harbour run by one of its users. It must be run for all the users, not just CMAL.’

However, at the same meeting, Oban Bay Management Group chairwoman Lorna Spencer, CMAL director of harbours, said: ‘We would be happy to work with a trust port. There needs to be a group coming forward that we would be happy to work with. If it was successful, we would withdraw back to our current limit.’

Commenting on the issue, Mr Russell said: ‘There is a need for greater transparen­cy and accountabi­lity with regard to the operation of the existing piers and the waters around them.

‘But instead of moving in that direction, it appears that CMAL and CalMac are attempting to take precipitat­e action, citing safety concerns as a reason for rapid progress.

‘However, I have seen and heard no evidence of increased incidents or danger, and nor has any of the organisati­ons to which I have spoken.

‘I have therefore asked the chief executives of the companies to pause while a truly independen­t examinatio­n of the current usage of the bay is carried out which would consider whether any further regulatory steps are required and, if they are, what the best way forward would be.’

He continued: ‘I am also keen to ensure that such a review reports to local people and organisati­ons, and considers who the key local stakeholde­rs actually are, so that they are in the driving seat.

‘Oban Bay is a huge asset for the town and control of it should not be passed to outside organisati­ons without a very careful considerat­ion of the consequenc­es now and for the future.

‘I hope CMAL and CalMac will recognise that this is the best way forward and agree to back off, as well as accepting and supporting the essential independen­ce of the process.’

 ?? ?? Michael Russell MSP.
Michael Russell MSP.

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