The Oban Times

Tackling scourge of drugs remains a priority for police


There is a somewhat common misconcept­ion that rural areas such as Argyll and tourist destinatio­n towns including Oban are exempt from the scourge of illegal drugs.

A scan through the pages of The Oban Times each week will soon explode the myth there is no drugs problem on our patch.

Every week in our Police Files there are accounts of officers finding illegal drugs on the streets of our communitie­s and every time we send a news reporter to cover Oban Sheriff Court, he or she returns to the office with stories about those who have been prosecuted for these offences.

As we report this week, the issue of hard drugs has been raised after bags of needles were discovered by constructi­on workers in Glenshella­ch, Oban.

Residents are understand­ably concerned about the health implicatio­ns, particular­ly for children playing outdoors. However, it is reassuring to hear the words of Inspector Mark Stephen, who has been quick to stress the issue remains a high priority for the police.

Inspector Steven was also correct to emphasise that tackling the problem can only realistica­lly be achieved with a multi-agency approach. Education has a large part to play and it is good to know there are programmes in place to teach our young people of the dangers of drugs misuse.

We are all in this together.

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