The Oban Times

Let us all do our bit for community


Last week I was lucky enough to give a talk about community groups to primary three in Rockfield school.

I’ve visited before to talk about my work as a town ambassador and it really is a joy to do. I’m so impressed by the behaviour of the children; their manners are a credit to their parents and the school. The quality of the questions they had prepared was fantastic and really had me thinking on my feet.

This visit was no different: their behaviour was impeccable and they had obviously put thought into the questions they had for me but what impressed me most was how much they already knew about the community groups in the town and understood what the groups were trying to achieve.

I was even asked if children could join Oban and Lorn Lions, which is a great idea.

It did make me think though about what happens between being a child and becoming an adult; where does all the enthusiasm go?

There are so many valuable groups in Oban all striving to do good work to benefit people in the community, with many of them struggling to find volunteers to help and I struggle to understand why.

Throughout our lives we benefit from various groups, from attending things as children or young adults to taking our children to things such as Toy Cupboard or visiting Santa or Charities Day courtesy of the Lions. We all benefit and then we have all the groups who help when things aren’t going quite as well in our lives, such as the Dove Centre and North Argyll Carers Centre.

Personally, I’ve benefited from many of the groups in the town and feel that it is only right to help out where I can in return. For some of the groups, even two hours once a month would make all the difference and that’s not too much to ask when we as a town are so much better off thanks to these groups.

I would encourage everyone to have a wee think about it. What groups have added to your life and what could you do in return?

The children are a fantastic example to us, so keen to be involved and help; for once we should be learning from them.

Last week’s photo was of a wee window in Airds Crescent above Wallace Optometris­t and this week’s photo is an oldie.

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