The Oban Times

Parliament­ary recognitio­n for Camanachd Associatio­n


Ian Blackford, MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber, has this week helped to raise awareness of the 125th anniversar­y of the Camanachd Associatio­n by lodging what is known as an Early Day Motion (EDM) at the Westminste­r parliament.

EDMs allow MPs to draw attention to an event or cause and register their support by signing individual motions.

Last Wednesday October 10 marked the 125th anniversar­y of the establishm­ent of the Camanachd Associatio­n. On that date in 1893, in the Victoria Hall in Kingussie, representa­tives of various shinty clubs throughout the country met ‘for the purpose of forming a Camanachd Associatio­n’.

A number of events have taken place in celebratio­n of the occasion, including The Big Day of Shinty at the Glasgow 2018 European Championsh­ips, which treated attendees to a shintythem­ed ceilidh, as well as a shinty sixes competitio­n later in the day.

And now even parliament­ary recognitio­n has been given to the landmark following Mr Blackford’s motion.

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