The Oban Times

Canna is the wrong place to house valuable collection


Your correspond­ent Alan Rankin, writing on behalf of the National Trust for Scotland, states that the Canna collection is in good hands (Letters, February 14).

If this world-class collection is sitting in Canna House subject to the possibilit­y of water ingress, fluctuatio­n in humidity, infestatio­n, pilfering and fire, it is at risk and being kept there purely for sentimenta­l reasons.

How are students to get to and from Canna, where are they to stay when they arrive and who is going to provide the technology and reading rooms necessary for modern research? Not Mr Campbell’s estate, his executors, who stand charged with their protection, or the National Trust for Scotland.

Iain Thornber, Knock House, Morvern.

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