The Oban Times

Oban rappers to perform this Saturday in aid of charity


Fan favourites K9 Kev and Rory O'B will be performing in Oban this weekend in aid of charity.

The charity and choons event will take place in Cuan Mor from 7pm.

The rappers, who won the first Oban Live Unsigned spot, will be raising money for HCPT Group 43.

Every year the group takes young people with social, emotional, or physical difficulti­es on a pilgrimage holiday to Lourdes in the south of France.

K9 and O'B will be performing alongside 18-year-old Oban rapper S-Mac and singer songwriter Josh Rippon.

Speaking to The Oban Times, Kevin 'K9 Kev' Irvine, said: ‘It is in aid of HCPT Group 43. It is the same group that I went away with in 2016. It is a great experience. There is something about it that is quite magical. The kids really enjoy themselves. That is why I wanted to get involved again.

‘We are just going to do a full hour's set of all our songs from the past eight years.'

Kevin added: ‘I am looking forward to hearing S-Mac. He is special. He is 18 and is definitely one to look out for. I am jealous of his progress in two years. He is better than me.'

The support worker said he always wanted to promote upand-coming local artists.

‘It is about pushing young people to reach their potential,' he said.

‘This will be Josh's first gig as well. It is local artists playing musical that is produced locally. It is about raising money in the community through the medium of music.

‘Tickets cost £5 for an adult and £3 for under 18s. I think it is important to involve young people as well as they don't get the opportunit­y to see live music as much in Oban.'

The last time the rap duo performed in Cuan Mor was to launch their album Vocal Heroes.

‘The last time was special. We put a lot of work into the album and it was around the time of Oban Live and we wanted to prove a point to them that we wanted that slot.

‘My initial thinking was to not do this gig as we didn't have anything new to promote, but we have not done anything in Oban since June.'

In the end, Kevin and Rory, thankfully, decided to go ahead with the event. ‘It will be being back on stage with Rory doing my thing,' Kevin added. ‘I do miss it.'

‘Myself and Rory are going to do another charity concert in June for our album launch. The plan was to get the album out in March, but we didn't have time.'

It costs around £1,000 per child to attend the pilgrimage. This year, HCPT Group 43 is taking seven children, with two coming from Oban.

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Rory O’B and K9 Kev

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