The Oban Times



As March turns to April, there’s a feeling of spring time change in the air at Lochaber Chamber.

Recently appointed chief executive Frazer Coupland has now been in post for almost three months and is already forging ahead with an innovative new management approach to increase staff wellbeing and redesign the way the chamber works with its members.

Based on the management craze sweeping the global business world, the ‘firal loop’ approach aims to transform the workplace into an environmen­t that is entirely free from buzz-words, and expressly prohibits staff from using popular acronyms and management jargon across all communicat­ion channels, including in office chat.

There will be no more bluesky thinking, deliverabl­es, touch-points, thanks in advance email sign-offs, customer journeys and roadmaps. There will be an immediate end to drilling down, getting ducks in a row, reinventin­g the wheel, thinking outside the box, game-changing, giving 110 per cent, going forward, incentivis­ing, ‘capturing’ data, liaising or touching base.

Fortunatel­y training and support is available through the ‘firal’ Loop Foundation to help staff who struggle to adapt to a jargon-free work life.

The approach also requires staff to take their shoes off at the door for increased circulatio­n of positive energy or ‘chi’ in the workplace so if you are due to pop into the office, please be aware that there may be a slight odour while we manage this transition to the new office style!

If members would like to learn more about applying the techniques in their own workplace, please give your friendly Chamber team a call between 9am and noon on Monday.

 ??  ?? Call the chamber on 01397 705 765 or visit www. lochaberch­amber.
Call the chamber on 01397 705 765 or visit www. lochaberch­amber.
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