The Oban Times

Glencoe hydro scheme


In response to Victoria Sutherland’s article in The Oban Times last week (she is member of the Glencoe and Glen Etive Community Council and her husband is the chairman), I was amazed how she is so in favour of ruining our scenery and historical sites with hydro schemes when, a few years ago, her husband, Alistair Sutherland, who was chairman of Glencoe Action Group (against the NTS developmen­t near Inverigan), had a letter in the newspaper (09/02/01): ‘ a site of national importance...we simply do not understand how that body, of all organisati­ons, can contemplat­e desecratin­g this historic site.’ Inverigan, where the community council is supporting Allt Fiodhann hydro scheme, is the site of the Massacre of Glencoe and is one of the main reasons tourists come to Glencoe. The tourists also visit for the natural beauty.

No thorough studies have been done of archeology, wildlife and wildlife environmen­t. There is not a dividing line between Inverigan and the proposed hydro scheme site which would prevent wildlife movement, therefore the wildlife habitat in the proposed scheme area would be damaged and wildlife displaced.

What is the point of having SSSI areas, NSA (National Scenic Area), SNH, PAWS (Previous Ancient Woodland Site) areas when all is ignored in Glencoe and Glen Etive when it comes to hydro scheme developmen­t.

Allt Fiodhann (Inverigan) burn is a very small burn which nearly dries up in the summer. I looked after the water supply for the campsite when the Forestry Commission owned it. The NTS has since built its visitor centre by the campsite and had large storage tanks to hold the water but it had to drill a well and change the supply to another stream.

Is it worth it to spoil such a historic site and special scenery for a small hydro scheme which will only work some of the year. Why destroy the environmen­t to ‘save’ the environmen­t?!

Regarding the mountain rescue team mentioned in Victoria Sutherland’s article, I was a member for more than 20 years and we volunteere­d because all team members were climbers or just enjoyed being in the mountains.

I am all for hydro schemes in concealed areas, however not in sensitive areas, historical areas or scenic areas etc., and not in a free-forall just as the feed-in-tariffs are about to end.

With more than 11,600 objectors, the government bodies should take notice. The landowners, the developers and the investors in the Glencoe and Glen Etive proposed hydro scheme must think they have won the lottery without buying a ticket!

Peter Weir,


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