The Oban Times

Update on a summer of Loch Sunart marine surveys

- By Nic Goddard

CAOLAS (Community Associatio­n of Lochs and Sounds) hosted an evening talk about the marine surveys carried out over the summer on the shores of Loch Sunart at the Ardnamurch­an Natural History visitor centre last week, followed by its first AGM since becoming a registered charity.

Marine biologist Mark Woombs presented a slideshow of amazing photograph­s of the plants and animals recorded living in and around the loch, peppered with scientific facts and amusing anecdotes.

The workshops and surveys carried out over the summer were among the various projects that CAOLAS is involved with, including a programme of events to educate and inform locals and visitors about the marine environmen­t and how everyone can play a part in protecting it.

A small team of volunteers form the committee of CAOLAS and they are always looking out for anyone with knowledge and skills or just a passion and interest for marine environmen­ts to join.

In a week when Sir David Attenborou­gh has been in the media talking about the kelp forests off the south coast of the UK, CAOLAS is keen to raise awareness of the threats to coastal areas closer to home.

Loch Sunart and the Sound of Mull are Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and also home to the Argyll coast and islands Mission Blue Hope Spot and of great interest to marine experts, environmen­talists and scientists.

CAOLAS is keen to ensure everyone understand­s the importance of these areas through getting people involved through citizen science programmes, working with schools and getting more people actively involved either with surveying, monitoring suspicious activity (illegal fishing) and participat­ing in campaigns and public consultati­ons about the use of the surroundin­g seas and lochs.

The talk covered ideas about what projects CAOLAS may seek funding and support for next and included aims such as snorkellin­g and diving to explore, survey and record life deeper in the lochs and sounds, maybe even enlisting the use of a remote operated vehicle.

These hi-tech aspiration­s also work alongside activities such as beach cleaning.

If anyone is interested in the work of CAOLAS or in becoming a member or feel they may have skills to offer as a trustee, check out the Facebook page:­unitygroup/ or get in touch by email to find out more.

'CAOLAS is looking for anyone with a passion for marine life to join'

 ??  ?? Survey work was carried out along Loch Sunart during the summer.
Survey work was carried out along Loch Sunart during the summer.

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