The Oban Times

Oban rebels travel to London for climate protests


Six climate rebels from Oban, Ardfern, Lismore, Connel and Benderloch joined the Extinction Rebellion protesters in London this week, with two from Appin planning to join them next week.

The group only started a few months ago but such is the strength of feeling among the members, they felt it important they join the national protest.

Parts of London were brought to a standstill on Monday as protesters blocked major roads around parliament in London at the start of what they have billed a two-week demonstrat­ion to ‘shut down’ the heart of the UK capital to force a change in government policy on climate change.

A spokespers­on for the group said: ‘The Argyll protesters are pictured [above] at the Scotland, North East and Cumbria site, which is by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, near Westminste­r Abbey, and named Truth in Power.

‘Each of the 11 sites occupied by protesters in London has a different theme.

‘One of our members is providing arrestee support on Lambeth Bridge, now named the Faith Bridge.

‘The XR Scotland, North East England and Cumbria site tells the truth about the fossil fuels that power all our lives, while sending our future up in smoke. Oil, gas and coal industries are continuing to drill, dig and frack, while corporatio­ns have known for decades that burning fossil fuels is causing climate breakdown and mass extinction. Our government is complicit: in legislatio­n, in subsidies, in vested interests.

‘We demand they Tell The Truth about fossil fuel industry’s role in climate emergency; Act Now by committing to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, including emissions exported; create and be led by the decisions of a citizens’ assembly on climate and ecological justice.

‘Although many local authoritie­s have declared a Climate Emergency, including Highland, Argyll and Bute have yet to do so.

‘For anyone interested in joining XR Oban we have a Facebook page and our next meeting is on October 17, 6.30pm, in the Scout Hall behind St Columba’s Cathedral.’

 ??  ?? Four of the Oban protestors in London on Monday morning.
Four of the Oban protestors in London on Monday morning.

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