The Oban Times

Money can be found when government­s want to


I am astounded to learn that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has found a magic money tree which will lend the present government oodles of cash with which to fund an amazing number of projects – £2 million here, £40 million there.

What message is this sending to the people who have faced the austerity cuts and been put on Universal Credit?

Our local foodbank has seen an increase in use by folk wanting to feed their families. Some have even had to borrow from payday lenders to pay for everyday needs. They do not get preferenti­al low borrowing rates like the government does from big banks. The Labour manifesto also has enormous spending plans. I am afraid that the little people are being left behind by all those seeking to win our votes and promising pie in the sky.

The Scottish Government is no better, I refer to previous correspond­ence about the Scottish Government’s cuts in grants to local councils. The figures are there for all to see on the Scottish Parliament website.

The Scottish Government’s budget went up by 1.8 per cent this year after taking inflation into account. In contrast the Scottish Government cut the grant it gave to councils by 3.4 per cent after inflation. No wonder councils throughout Scotland are being forced to make people redundant and cut services.

I wish the Scottish Government would do a U-turn and give councils a fair deal.

Margaret Horrell, Helensburg­h.

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