The Oban Times

Luing artist aims to inspire with 100-day project

- By Kathie Griffiths

A lot can happen in 100 days on Luing – island artist Anja Lamont is proof of that.

After more than four decades living on the island, Luing is still working its magic on the former Open University tutor and biologist, who is one of a growing number of people from all walks of life across the world who have committed themselves to being creative every day for 100 days.

At the weekend, Anja showcased the entire 100 works of art she has created as part of the challenge.

The exhibition at the weekend at Cullipool Village Hall was a joint venture with fellow islander and wildlife artist Sarah Ferguson. Anya is hoping her 100-day collection will now inspire and motivate other people to take up the challenge. From tiny paintings to prints, making cards, linocuts and woodcuts – it has been a productive and rewarding 100 days for her and if it encourages others to make a start on the creative projects they have always thought about doing but never got round to then it will have been time doubly well-spent, she says.

Anja said: ‘On Luing it’s the landscape that's my main thing. I’m a keen sketchbook user, I’m always painting – I’ll use anything I have to hand – pencils, charcoal, oils, acrylics.’

Although not art schooltrai­ned, it was as a biologist that Anja’s drawing skills were finely honed. ‘That was my entry into the world of art!’ she said.

‘I’m hoping by showing my 100dayproj­ect at the exhibition, others might decide to go off and have a go at something themselves. It’s the teacher in me!’

Before starting the project, rules had to be set. Anja’s rule was to produce something every day that would be 8ins square for 100 days straight.

‘It helps to have a rule, it’s something to stick to but the whole idea is to play and have fun. The possibilit­ies are endless. It’s a great thing to do if anyone's in a rut or just needs to let go a bit. You can do anything but you need to keep a log of it somehow. For me, choosing art was easy but it could be a piece of writing – it can be anything you want and will enjoy,’ added Anja.

Donations from the weekend’s exhibition were in aid of Cullipool Village Hall.

 ??  ?? Luing artists Anja Lamont and Sarah Ferguson at their exhibition at the weekend.
Luing artists Anja Lamont and Sarah Ferguson at their exhibition at the weekend.
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