The Oban Times

Native oysters could boost economy and create jobs


Restoring native oyster beds in Scotland could give the UK economy a £3.5m boost and create jobs, a report from the James Hutton Institute has estimated.

European native oysters were almost fished to extinction in the past and in recent years the commercial sector has chosen the non-native Pacific oyster due to it being faster growing.

The report suggests oyster beds on the west coast of Scotland could bring people to areas that have been depopulate­d due to migration and struggles with an ageing demographi­c.

Caol and Mallaig councillor­s Allan Henderson and Denis Rixson support the idea, but would need to consult on it further.

Councillor Rixson said: ‘In principle I love the idea of restoring native species and providing local employment but would stress the importance of working with all stakeholde­rs – particular­ly the fishing industry. Fishermen are increasing­ly constraine­d and regulated. I would like them to be consulted throughout the process so that the end result is a winwin for everyone and not just one sector.’

Councillor Henderson said: ‘Like salmon farming, this has to be carefully considered through the planning process, as there would be displaceme­nt.’

The Dornoch Environmen­tal Enhancemen­t Project (DEEP) has establishe­d 40 hectares of native oyster reef off the coast of Dornoch with measurable economic benefits to small and medium enterprise­s.

The report analysed the experience­s of DEEP and discussed how the production of disease-free native oysters could boost Scotland’s produce offering and supply into the growing European restoratio­n market.

Report author Hazel Allen said: ‘The DEEP approach and considerat­ion of oyster restoratio­n has provided complement­ary opportunit­ies to enhance the delivery of policies set by the Scottish Government such as Aquacultur­e Growth to 2030, Ambition 2030, the Hydro Nation Strategy and Zero Waste strategies and the water quality environmen­tal objectives set by SEPA.

‘This report identifies several actions to realise the benefits and opportunit­ies arising from a potential Scottish native oyster aquacultur­e industry. For that, we’ll need to promote closer policy integratio­n and working between government agencies and delivery bodies to develop a collective policy approach for the integratio­n of ecosystem benefits and their multiple values.’

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