The Oban Times

‘Oblivious’ driver fined over motorbike crash


A driver’s lapse of concentrat­ion landed a biker in hospital with fractured ribs and a collapsed lung, Oban Sheriff Court has heard.

Last week Frank Lawson, 72, from 3 Brunton Gardens, Glenrothes, admitted careless driving and was fined £375 with five penalty points added to his licence.

The court heard how retired off-shore worker Lawson was on the A82 at Bridge of Orchy on October 14 this year when he slowed down in his Land Rover Freelander and was indicating to pull across the road into the bridge of Orchy Hotel forecourt when he failed to see an oncoming motorbike and drove into its path.

Procurator fiscal David Glancy said Lawson had appeared ‘oblivious’ to the biker. CCTV footage was shown.

The impact with the orange Harley-Davidson caused the 57-year-old motorcycli­st to part company with the bike. It spun into planters outside the hotel then rebounded into the road where its rider had skidded further on.

The court heard the motorcycli­st lost consciousn­ess at the scene and was airlifted to hospital in Glasgow where he was treated for fractured ribs, a collapsed lung and other injuries. Although he is recovering, his rehabilita­tion is slower than he and medical staff hoped.

The only explanatio­n Lawson could give was that the low sunlight may have ‘blended’ with the colour of the bike, the court was told.

Sentencing him, Sheriff Simon Fraser said: ‘This was a momentary lapse of concentrat­ion, as far as I’m aware you have had a completely blameless driving record for more than half a century. I’m quite sure you have replayed that moment many times in your head. All of us who drive make mistakes at some point that only we recognise but that no one else sees. You were very unfortunat­e, as was the motorcycli­st. I’m sure if you could rewind the clock 30 seconds you would.’

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