The Oban Times

Arisaig trust receives £258,150 boosting community projects

- By Mark Entwistle

Two projects involving new housing in Arisaig along with a scheme to repair the village’s sea wall has received a grant of £258,150 from the Scottish Land Fund.

Arisaig Community Trust will use the money to buy land for the new housing and to acquire ownership of the shorefront in order to upgrade it for residents and visitors.

A delighted Pamela King, director of the Arisaig Community Trust, said: ‘This is a very exciting award for Arisaig and will enable us to purchase three separate areas of land in the village, bringing them into community ownership for the first time.

‘We have developed plans for a community-led housing project, which will prioritise owner-occupied residences and provide affordable, sustainabl­e homes for rent in the village.

‘A multi-use playing field, play park and adjoining area, which we would like to turn into a new orchard, will also be bought with this award, as well as a considerab­le part of the village shore front, which we will improve with better parking, pathways, seating and amenities.

‘This will enhance the area for both residents and visitors, supporting the local economy with new homes and helping ensure tourism is managed sustainabl­y.

‘It is a fantastic opportunit­y for people to get involved in real and direct change in the village.’

Also in the Highlands, a former school on the island of Eriskay is set for a new life as an exhibition centre.

Eriskay Historical Society will use its £48,234 grant to turn the former school on the island into a heritage centre and to renovate the adjacent schoolhous­e so that it can be made available for rent.

Sandra MacInnes, secretary of Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh (Eriskay Historical Society), said: ‘We are delighted to have been awarded the Scottish Land Fund which will give us the financial assistance to purchase the former Eriskay School from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

‘This will enable us to renovate the former school and utilise the space to have a dedicated exhibition area to showcase the history and heritage of the island as well as having office space for the Eriskay Pony Society and a tearoom where the community and visitors can meet and socialise.’

The grants to Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh and Arisaig Community Trust are amongst 10 totalling £1,313,841 that have been awarded to groups across Scotland during the latest round of grants from the Scottish Land Fund.

John Watt, chairman of the Scottish Land Fund Committee, said: ‘Through these grants we have been able to support groups in both inner city areas and in some of the remotest parts of Scotland, helping local people to come together to undertake a range of activities designed to create stronger communitie­s.’

Sandra Holmes, head of community assets at HIE, said the successful projects were all great examples of people taking control of local resources for the long-term benefit of their communitie­s.

‘Comann Eachdraidh Eirisgeidh for instance, has ambitious plans to renovate the school into a modern community hub, while the grant to Arisaig Community Trust will enable it to purchase land for a much-needed affordable housing developmen­t,’ she said.

‘Ownership will give these communitie­s greater control over important assets and will help ensure its long-term future. We wish all the successful groups the very best in their new ventures.’

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