The Oban Times

Post Lockdown Vision

- with John Wallace

It hardly seems like the blink of an eye but it is six months since I last wrote my monthly column. It has been quite an amazing and very strange time we have all lived through. At the start of the year I wrote about 2020 being the year of vision. I was excited about the boost all the publicity my profession would have because of the 2020 link. Six months later my practices have only just reopened. Because of the dangers of COVID-19 we have had to introduce strict infection control procedures which have meant it takes twice as long to see each patient.

My biggest concern about this lost time is for patients I am now seeing who have major vision or eye health issues. In common with most of my profession, I spent lockdown telephone and video triaging patients. Some needed urgent referral to hospital for treatment. Understand­ably, many were extremely reluctant to go to hospital. Even more “did not want to cause a fuss” during lockdown and did not even call to discuss their problem. Since I started back earlier this month, I have seen several patients who have major problems that would have been treated much more effectivel­y if only they had presented during lockdown.

I can fully understand why patients are reluctant to venture out from the safety of their home. I spent four months shielding and could not believe the idiocy of many people who failed to social distance or to wear facemasks when I finally was able to venture into shops earlier this month.

NHS Scotland has set very strict standards for my profession. I actually feel safe at work because of these guidelines. Even if you don’t feel safe you can still call for advice if you have any issues with your vision.

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