The Oban Times

Fund comes up a treat for Gloria

- by Kathie Griffiths

Retired artist Gloria Young from Tralee was nominated as just one of the deserving recipients of Ardchattan’s Random Acts of Kindness campaign that ran in July.

In all, there were 40 treat boxes delivered to nominees living in the Ardchattan Parish area as part of a response to spread cheer during the Covid pandemic.

Gloria was absolutely thrilled to receive her gift, which included one of Jimmy’s famous scones from Ben Lora Cafe, a slice of homemade cake and a posy of garden flowers.

Ardchattan Community Council wants to thank all those involved with the project, especially the volunteer bakers and delivery drivers who helped make it all possible.

As a thank you from Gloria, she has now gifted one of her original watercolou­r paintings to the community. Once it is framed it will go on display, possibly in Benderloch’s Victory Hall.

The community council is also interested in hearing about residents’ who need help with IT and digital support.

Council members want to get the word out that there could be some funding available to help them.

The Supporting Communitie­s Fund can also cover counsellin­g sessions for anyone in the Ardchattan area who is struggling with the easing of lockdown, is anxious about going back to school, work, or just leaving the house, or for anyone who finds themselves depressed after months of isolation. People getting in touch for more details can be referred for up to three pre-paid sessions with a local counsellor.

To find out more, email ardchattan­coordinato­ or phone 07387 475584.

The Supporting Communitie­s Fund was made available to residents of the Ardchattan Parish region, covering the area between Connel bridge and Creagan bridge, as part of the North Lorne Covid-19 Partnershi­p alongside Appin, Lismore, Duror and Kentallen.

 ??  ?? Gloria, left, was delighted with her treat box, and as a thank you gifted one of her original paintings to the community.
Gloria, left, was delighted with her treat box, and as a thank you gifted one of her original paintings to the community.
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