The Oban Times

Call for urgent action on A83


Open letter sent to Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister and Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Islands and Connectivi­ty

Dear Nicola and Michael,

The issue that never fails to unite politician­s at all levels of government and of all party persuasion­s is the need to ensure Argyll and Bute stays connected and open for business through a permanent, robust solution for the A83 Rest and Be Thankful – a solution that works.

Last week’s landslip continues to close the Rest and the Old Military Road, which itself was out of action for a period, will be shut again tonight (August 10) at 9pm due to weather conditions. This continuing impact is why all of Argyll and Bute’s elected representa­tives have been united in pressing, once again, for urgent action.

Our local Members of the Scottish Parliament, Michael Russell, Jackie Baillie and Donald Cameron, have been swift to engage with us and to add their own voices to these calls. They join us in writing to you to reinforce that request for action on behalf of the people of Argyll and Bute. We are asking you to convene an urgent special meeting of the A83 Taskforce – on a virtual basis if needs be – as soon as possible to focus specifical­ly on outline options for a permanent solution and for that meeting to consider and agree the following timescale for the same:

a) Nature of permanent solution to be identified and confirmed by March 31, 2021

b) Contract to construct permanent solution to be awarded by December 31, 2021

c) Work to start as soon as possible thereafter with completion by December 31, 2023, at latest.

We know this requires a tremendous effort from everyone involved, including Transport Scotland which would have to start work on this immediatel­y for it to succeed.

Argyll and Bute Council will do all it can in this to co-operate and to encourage all other partners, from all sectors, to do likewise. We believe if the will is there, on all counts, to deliver a permanent solution, this can be achieved – because the risk of failing to do so is far too great and there is evidence of innovative, viable solutions of similar scale being establishe­d in other regions with similar geography and rurality.

The threats to Argyll and Bute’s economic success and to the contributi­on it makes to the national economy are well-known, as are the various personal impacts on those who live and work in our communitie­s and who find their business, social and health-related activities disrupted without warning when landslips close the Rest.

Our biggest concern now, though, is continued public safety. It is a miracle no one has been seriously injured or killed to date. We simply cannot afford to wait any longer – the risks are too great. We stand ready to do anything we can to ensure Argyll and Bute and its communitie­s finally get the solution they deserve.

Aileen Morton, Argyll and Bute Council leader; Gary Mulvaney, deputy leader; Sandy Taylor, SNP group leader; Dougie Philand, Argyll First group leader; MSPs Michael Russell, Jackie Baillie, and Donald Cameron.

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