The Oban Times

Round of thanks as boxing club gets back into training


With the easing of restrictio­ns allowing the opening of gyms, MSP Kate Forbes donned gloves and a mask to find out how Lochaber Phoenix Boxing Club members had coped throughout lockdown, writes Iain Ferguson.

The club had barely moved into its new gym at Corpach when Covid-19 hit and had to close. Links between coaches and members continued through zoom sessions and social media, with videos and advice on staying fit and maintainin­g the hand-eye and movement co-ordination so vital in the sport.

However, the cancellati­on of the club’s shows in April and November meant it lost out on showing the incredible talent of their boxers in competitio­n with clubs from across the country and the main fundraisin­g events of the year.

As a registered charity, with an important health and well-being role in age groups from nine years upwards, the club successful­ly applied for a Scottish Government Covid Resilience Grant which, together with assistance from sponsors Caley Timber and landlords Breckenrid­ge helped the club survive.

As Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Ms Forbes was particular­ly interested to hear how the club had benefited from the grant in meeting financial commitment­s at a time when other than weekly fundraisin­g scratch cards, it had no other regular income.

She was impressed by the way the gym had been set up to comply with regulation­s, maintainin­g separation and ensuring specific requiremen­ts of junior and senior members and individual­s were addressed within guidelines.

Head coach Vince Lopez said: ‘We were happy Kate took the time to visit as it allowed us to tell her how vital the grant had been and to thank the Scottish Government for their help.

‘With the relaxing of regulation­s, we have gradually introduced outdoor coaching, firstly one-to-one, then in small groups. Hopefully the latest measures will put us back on the path to normal operations with larger numbers inside the building which will help generate income.’

Ms Forbes, MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch, said: ‘Lochaber Phoenix Boxing Club has done a tremendous job in the last few years training, competing and attracting people to a new sport.

‘Like many other places, the club was hit hard by Covid as members were not allowed to train. I am delighted the club accessed Scottish Government support to reopen when it was safe. It has been a long slog for gyms and sports clubs and members are desperate to get back to training.’

Kate was not able to climb into the ring or spar with any of the members due to social distancing rules but was able to hear first hand their excitement and enthusiasm with an open invitation to return for a training session at any time.

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