The Oban Times

Lisa’s new beer ‘Heaven Cent’


A landmark hotel in the West Highlands is now one of the few places in Scotland where a newly-launched beer can be bought.

The four-star Bridge of Orchy Hotel, off the A82, has welcomed Heaven Cent – a 4.6 per cent India pale ale made by Lisa Matthews.

She is junior brewer at the independen­t, award-winning Scottish craft brewery Harviestou­n, based in Alva, near Stirling, Clackmanna­nshire.

Launched during this year’s Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight, it is the brewery’s first new product of 2020 and Lisa’s debut craft ale.

It is only available on draught from five selected bars and hotels around Scotland, including the Bridge of Orchy Hotel and Forth Inn at Aberfoyle, near Stirling.

Lisa launched her brewing career at Harviestou­n Brewery in June 2018 after completing an MSc (Hons) in brewing and distilling at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.

She said: ‘After months of developmen­t with the team, I’m so excited we’re able to launch Heaven Cent in time for Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight.

‘It’s fantastic there are more women taking leading roles in the brewing industry and I’m proud to be part of that growing trend, along with my colleague Amy Cockburn, who is head brewer at Harviestou­n.’

Heaven Cent takes its name and aroma from the ‘centennial’ hop and is described as

Lisa Matthews, creator of Heaven Cent.

a ‘perfectly balanced IPA with beautiful fruity aromas and a citrus tang’.

As a session IPA, the maltiness and bitterness are said to be perfectly balanced with an initial citrus tang on the palate followed by clean, crisp, floral notes and a hint of spiciness.

 ?? Photograph: Chris Watt ??
Photograph: Chris Watt

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