The Oban Times

Celebratin­g two centuries of worship on Oban Congregati­onal Church site


Oban Congregati­onal Church has celebrated 200 years of worship in Argyll Street, writes Kathie Griffiths.

The occasion was marked with a special service that went ahead within Covid guidelines, with hopes for a bigger celebratio­n next year.

At the service, the worshipper­s were reminded of days gone by and some were taken on a walk down memory lane – the church outings, picnics and parties, said the church’s Catherine MacGillivr­ay.

‘We were also encouraged by the letters that we received from other churches and the Congregati­onal Federation. As with all churches, this year has proved to be a real challenge. Social distancing does not come easy to any of us.

‘But with a lot of hard work, prayer and determinat­ion, our doors have been open for worship, albeit a little differentl­y, and we will strive to continue to do this as Covid allows.

‘Can we just take this opportunit­y to thank everyone who has supported this church, from near and afar, down through the years. We now look forward in faith,’ she added.

While the early independen­ts had gathered mostly outdoors for the previous 15 years, the first building went up in 1820 on the site in Argyll Street. Struggling against opposition but with determined, courageous fundraisin­g, this was achieved by the Reverend John Campbell, the congregati­on and some people of the town, explained Catherine.

‘The building meant the congregati­on and minister could reach out to the communitie­s of Oban and the surroundin­g district so that all could hear and understand the message of God’s love for them.

‘Lives were changed and by the 1870s the building, being too small for the work and witness, was replaced by the present building in 1880.

‘Since then the mission of this church, to the local people and the stranger, has continued over the years in various ways; fellowship, care and love to people of all ages.’

 ??  ?? The current church was built in 1880 to house its growing congregati­on, but the initial church was built thanks to the faith and determinat­ion of the Rev John Campbell, inset right.
The current church was built in 1880 to house its growing congregati­on, but the initial church was built thanks to the faith and determinat­ion of the Rev John Campbell, inset right.
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