The Oban Times

True life stories mark the latest chapter for charity

- By Kathie Griffiths

she used to dive to 200ft in the beautiful clear waters and went on to become an underwater photograph­er for the lab that was also a diving school.

‘I took thousands of pictures of corals which are still used today by oceanic researcher­s. I learned recently all my pictures are still available on the internet and I was able to look at them thanks to Elaine from the Befriender­s.

‘I had donated many of my pictures to the Natural History Museum years ago. I don’t think coral reefs now look like they did back then and I suppose comparing my pictures helps to illustrate the effects of years of erosion and pollution,’ she said.

And added: ‘At one point Jacques Cousteau and his researcher­s were on Jamaica, working from his boat the Calypso, and some of my friends at the diving academy dived with them. One of the staff at the marine lab was a very good cook and we all had a big lunch with the Calypso crew – only a couple of us from the lab spoke French and we had a whale of a time chatting with Cousteau’s team. I remember Champagne was involved! Jacques was not called Jacques by his crew – he was respectful­ly referred to as the ‘commandant’!’

Robin said there were thought-provoking memories, sad stories and humorous anecdotes ‘all of life really’ in the book’s pages.

‘There are many memories that we are glad we have helped to preserve, and we are very grateful to all our contributo­rs for allowing us to share them. We have endeavoure­d not to edit them and to let the voices of the storytelle­rs come across as clearly as possible,’ he added.

The illustrati­ons in the book are part of another CEB project called Tree of Hope – nurseries and schools across Cowal and Bute were invited to take part with older people sharing messages on leaves for a tree that will go on show, possibly in Dunoon’s Burgh Hall – once Covid allows.

To find out more about CEB’s work or to order a copy of the book, go to www.cowalbefri­

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