The Oban Times



What a strange Easter weekend! Very few visitors, shops, cafés and restaurant­s closed, and a ghostly feel about the town. Given the weather – one extreme to the other between Friday and Monday – the town should have been jumping, with visitors soaking up the sun and enjoying everything Oban has to offer. It is probably the quietest Easter I have ever experience­d since moving here.

It was also great to see lots of people down at Ganavan over the weekend and out walking across the area.

Lots of our cafés again came to the rescue with takeaway afternoon teas and goodies. What an amount of work goes into these creations and judging from some of the pictures there was high demand. Lots of people were posting messages across social media of the Easter treats – I was extremely jealous!

Today as I write we see the opening of hairdresse­rs; garden centres and some retail providing click and collect. This is just the start of us getting back to normal. I am sure they will be inundated with customers.

Our businesses have really suffered being closed, in one form or another, and operating different ways of serving. With that in mind, I witnessed horrible behaviour from an inebriated individual trying to purchase food from a takeaway in Stafford Street on Sunday evening. He was extremely rude, abusive, and completely out of order in the way he behaved towards other customers patiently waiting for orders, and most importantl­y the staff in the premises.

This is not the first time that this takeaway has had to put up with this nonsense and hopefully they informed the police. These staff do not go to work to be abused.

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