The Oban Times

What are you waiting for?


There is a whole army of people to help guide and advise young people to find the right apprentice­ship – from teachers at school through to entire government department­s.

You can talk to careers advisers over the phone or online and the good news is that some Skills Developmen­t Scotland career advice centres have now reopened.

You can also phone 0800 917 8000 to be put in touch with your local Skills Developmen­t Scotland team or visit My World of Work online for more informatio­n on finding a careers adviser near you.

If you are looking for a Foundation Apprentice­ship, it is easy to apply. You can fill in a short form online and it will be followed up by learning providers, schools and councils.

You can also speak to your guidance teacher and school careers adviser to get help with anything about Foundation Apprentice­ships.

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