The Oban Times

What we need is real hope


It seems we have reached a tipping point, where a lot of us have said, that’s it, enough is enough.

The ferry crisis seems to have been the straw that broke the collective camel’s back, but the cost of living crisis, housing crisis, the brokenness of the NHS and Brexit have all played their part. And now, added to that list, is the news that a Scottish Government reporter has decided Ganavan should remain on the Local Developmen­t Plan for housing, despite the move overriding the wishes of the community and Argyll and Bute Council.

Decisions are being made that affect us directly but that we have not had a say in or where our voices have been ignored or dismissed.

That is why we launched our campaign. And it was a positive start to hear this week that a motion has been raised in parliament asking all MSPs to support it. Because this is not about party politics; this is about making things better for everyone – men, women, children – regardless of how we vote. It’s about working together for our future and making positive changes for everyone. It’s about giving people hope. Surely that is something we can all agree on?

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