The Oldie

Profitable Wonders

James Le Fanu

- james le fanu

When modern humans first arrived in Britain 35,000 or so years ago, the local fauna they would have encountere­d were a fearsome lot: mega-sized bears, bone-crunching hyenas, lions and rhinoceros­es, the sabre-toothed cat and the ‘Irish’ elk crowned with an epic pair of antlers the width of a cricket pitch from tip to tip.

Most impressive of all was the mighty (and hairy) mammoth: 12ft high, six tons in weight, with its dome-shaped skull, 16ft curved tusks and compact body supported by legs the size of tree trunks. The mammoth’s physical resemblanc­e to today’s elephants is obvious enough, but our acquaintan­ce with their long extinct, distantly related predecesso­rs is unique in two special ways.

We know more about the mammoth than any other prehistori­c animal because not just its bones and tusks but its fleshy body parts – skin, trunk, muscles and internal organs – have been preserved for aeons in the Serbian permafrost, awaiting scientific study. More significan­tly still, the many images of the mammoth bequeathed by our ‘primitive’ ancestors, and indicative of their coexistenc­e, provide the most compelling evidence of their truly remarkable, almost inconceiva­bly so, artistic sensibilit­y.

The first intimation of that sensibilit­y came in 1823 when the brilliant, if eccentric, Oxford palaeontol­ogist, William Buckland, learned of the chance finding of a mammoth’s skull and tusks in a cave at Paviland, on the south coast of the Gower Peninsula. The cave proved to be a treasure trove of the remains of prehistori­c creatures, with an abundance of bones and teeth of rhinoceros, bear, hyena and others.

‘In another part,’ he wrote, ‘I found beneath a shallow covering of six inches of earth, nearly the entire left side of a human female skeleton stained a deep red colour.’ Scattered among her bones he retrieved a couple of handfuls of periwinkle shells, each pierced with a

tiny hole so that they could be strung into a necklace, along with fragments of ivory rings and rods.

For the devout Buckland, committed to reconcilin­g his palaeontol­ogical findings with the Biblical account of creation, this woman could scarcely have been coeval with the remains of those prehistori­c animals in close proximity. He speculated the Red Lady of Paviland (as she would become known) had perhaps been a camp follower to a nearby Roman fort, plying her trade in that inhospitab­le, bone-strewn cave. His imaginativ­e inference proved incorrect on two counts. The Red Lady, on closer scrutiny, turned out to be a man, who carbon-dating would subsequent­ly reveal had perished 30,000 years before the Roman conquest of Britain.

It would be another four decades before the most sensationa­l, in its implicatio­ns, of all palaeontol­ogical discoverie­s would confirm – and in the most unequivoca­l way possible – both the antiquity of modern man and his cultural achievemen­t. In 1864, French archaeolog­ist Edouard Lartet came across five fragments of a mammoth’s tusk that, pieced together, revealed a beautifull­y realised etching of the animal itself, complete with its shaggy mane.

Lartet’s engraved mammoth heralded a gold rush of similar astonishin­g findings: both ‘portable’ art fashioned from ivory and antler and the distinctly ‘non-portable’ dramatic frescoes covering the interiors of Stone Age man’s cavernous cathedrals. Most compelling of all is the vast diorama of diverse species on a wall of the Chauvet Cave in southern France: two male rhinoceros­es with their horns locked in conflict; lions stampeding a herd of bison; reindeer, wild horses and, apart from the throng, a couple of mammoths standing placidly side by side.

The Palaeolith­ic civilisati­on that created these masterpiec­es endured for an incredible 25,000 years until, inexplicab­ly, in around 10,000 BC most of the species so vividly portrayed vanished from Europe, almost in the twinkling of an eye. The mammoth endured, retreating ever farther northward, its final resting place in the frozen wastes of northern Siberia being dated to the time of the Middle Kingdom of the Pharaohs.

It endures still, to be admired in all its magnificen­ce, in the Zoological Institute in St Petersburg, where the Berezovka mammoth, extracted intact from the Serbian permafrost, is on permanent display – complete with its penis that was found to be ‘completed extended’, 3ft long and half a foot in diameter.

More on mammoths – Books, page 57

 ??  ?? Big beasts: right, the Berezovka mammoth; and above (bottom left), its remarkable 3ft penis
Big beasts: right, the Berezovka mammoth; and above (bottom left), its remarkable 3ft penis
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