The Oldie

Can men still ‘do it’ at 75?


SIR: Liz Hodgkinson (Rant, February issue) sounds so lovely that I should think she is beating admirers away from her door with a big stick. The derision of her two sons is caused by their embarrassm­ent that somebody of Liz’s age (my age, too!) might be indulging in sex (how dare she? Surely it is their domain?). Her sons need to turn the essence of her article on its head; ie, would they still be capable of sex at Liz’s age? No, because they are men and men can’t ‘do it’ at 75!!! More importantl­y, would they actually attract anybody of the opposite sex at 75 anyway? Not with their sarcasm, they won’t! Go for it, Liz!! Mary Baker, Brentwood, Essex

However, I understand that he didn’t actually own the house, but leased it from the local authority. So it was in fact a council house. Little was straightfo­rward about the bouncing Czech. Steve Short, Loughton, Essex

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