The Oldie





Sandstone Press, 288pp, £14.99, ebook £7.19

Michèle Roberts is a novelist whose latest book has been rejected.

Negative Capability is an account of 12 days, spaced out in the year which follows, as she rewrites her ‘difficult, experiment­al’ novel with its unfashiona­bly ‘unrelatabl­e’ characters. Most of the entries are about writing, and cooking. Friends creep in, and neighbours, and French farmers on tractors, and unsympathe­tic agents and publishers. Rachel Cooke in the Guardian found the journal ‘a radiant and absorbing account of her day-to-day life in her basement flat in Walworth, south London, and in her tiny, damp house in the Mayenne, in north-west France’.

Stuart Kelly in the Scotsman acknowledg­ed ‘parts that are intriguing and parts that are lyrical and melancholy’. But he wondered ‘whether or not it would have been better to leave it in a drawer for a century or so, as it might then be read as a fascinatin­g social document about the life of a writer in the early years of the 21st century… A problem with contempora­ry diaries is an awkward sense of voyeurism.’ Tristram Fane Saunders in the

Telegraph slotted the book into a dismaying new hierarchy – ‘autofictio­n beats imaginativ­e fiction; memoir beats autofictio­n. This baffles me, as wonderful novels are so often written by pleasant but dull people. Roberts – by wide consensus a wonderful novelist – has here written a pleasant, dull book about her pleasant, dull life… it is very likely to outsell her last few novels’ – this conclusion made him ‘want to bury my head in a bucket of sand’.

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