The Oldie





Yale, 256pp, £14.99, ebook £6.99

Kasia Boddy’s book about flowers is less a manual for gardening than a miscellany of stories, culture and symbolism. Reviewing Blooming Flowers in the Sunday Times, Richard Eyre reflected on his own horticultu­ral meditation­s: ‘I’ve had the RHS A-Z Encycloped­ia of Garden Plants on my breakfast table as my household bible and studied a page or two a day like a monk in a refectory, so a book with the title Blooming Flowers ought to be my perfect companion. And in some ways it almost is.’

Publishers Weekly in the States also enjoyed the book’s rumination­s. ‘The flowers, divided among the four seasons they represent, include old standbys (such as roses and lilies) as well as unusual varieties (such as almond and cotton flowers). In a meandering, essayistic fashion and with a flair for aphorisms (“Autumn is spring’s alter ego”), Boddy touches on origins, popular associatio­ns, and ceremonial and medicinal applicatio­ns in countries around the world (including China, Japan, Mexico, India, and Iran).’

What Eyre missed in the book was ‘a sense of wonder’: ‘Look into the face of a bearded iris and I defy you not to marvel at its prepostero­us beauty and the miraculous complexity of its invention.’ In the Spectator, however, Peter Parker enjoyed Boddy’s connection­s: ‘In discussing roses, she refreshing­ly highlights the flower’s sexual, rather than traditiona­lly romantic, associatio­ns, from “the virginal promise of the closed rosebud” in 16th-century poetry to gonorrhoea being dubbed “Saigon Rose… the prickliest rose of all” during the Vietnam war.’ Parker thought it ‘a garland of delights’.

 ??  ?? Illustrati­on of Palmacea, the Palm Tribe, from Palace of Palms: Tropical Dreams and the Making of Kew by Kate Teltscher (Picador, 400pp, £25)
Illustrati­on of Palmacea, the Palm Tribe, from Palace of Palms: Tropical Dreams and the Making of Kew by Kate Teltscher (Picador, 400pp, £25)

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