The Oldie

Rudolf Hess’s snowman


SIR: In ‘I Once Guarded Rudolf Hess’ (August issue), Valentine Cecil describes Hess making a snowman and says, ‘He had built the head separately from the body […] I did wonder if this mode of snowman-building had some Nazi link’.

If it did, then every snowman ever built anywhere in North America has had a Nazi link – here, we always make our snowmen in separate sections, rolling one big snowball for the base, one slightly smaller for the chest and one smaller still for the head. How do you do it in the UK? Perhaps there isn’t enough snow to roll, and you scrape and pat it into a little mound? Puzzled and curious, Elizabeth Cowan, Picton, Ontario, Canada

 ??  ?? ‘Martial arts is next door. This is marital arts’
‘Martial arts is next door. This is marital arts’

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