The Pembrokeshire Herald

Stephen Seagull: Why Britain keeps crashing


Ahoy there, me hearties of The Pembrokesh­ire Herald, Stephen Seagull squawking at ya from the rooftops! I’ve been soaring over our digital landscapes, and blimey, it’s been a stormy season in the world of technology. Let’s have a natter about why our digital chips are down and what’s ruffling our feathers in the IT world.

First off, our beloved shores have seen quite the turmoil with big names like Greggs, Tesco, and Sainsbury’s facing a squall. Greggs had a bit of a flap with supply chain ruckuses, not being able to dish out all their scrummy bites. Tesco and Sainsbury’s weren’t spared by the gusts either, battling IT snafus and supply chain squalls that left shelves emptier than a beach in December.

And then, there’s Meta - aye, the big gull on the block - hitting a squall not once, but twice this month! Facebook, Instagram, and Threads all took a dive, leaving many a user squawking into the void. They chalked it up to technical hiccups, but on Super Tuesday, no less! Makes you ponder if there’s more to the story, with all the talk of cyber shenanigan­s in recent times

Speaking of cyber shenanigan­s, our Cyber Minister, Viscount Camrose, has been squawking loud from the rooftops, urging companies to buff up their cyber protection­s. With three- quarters of our medium to big nests ( businesses, that is) having faced some cyber scuffle in the last year, it’s clear we’re sailing choppy waters. The government’s been weaving stronger nets, like the Cyber Governance Code of Practice and Cyber Essentials scheme, to catch these digital pirates before they loot our ships

Now, why all these IT failings, you ask? Well, it seems we’ve been building our nests higher and wider without making sure they can weather the storm. From squawks of supply chain disruption­s to cyberattac­ks and internal blunders, it’s a reminder that our digital world is as unpredicta­ble as the Welsh weather.

So, what’s a seagull like me suggest? It’s time we strengthen our nests, educate our fledglings on cyber threats, and ensure our ships are as sturdy as they are vast. Let’s not wait for the next storm to hit before we start patching up the holes.

In the end, me hearties, as we navigate through these digital seas, let’s keep our eyes on the horizon and our wings ready to weather the storm. After all, it’s not the size of the waves but the motion of the ocean that counts. Stay savvy, stay secure, and let’s keep our digital shores safe!

Till next time, keep your chips covered, and watch out for those digital dive- bombers! Over and out, Stephen Seagull.

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