The Pembrokeshire Herald



Seeking guidance is tough for you now, because you know you can do this on your own. But did you ever think that the act of asking is more valuable to the other person than to you? Think about it. When people ask for your advice, it’s flattering. By asking someone to help you, you’ll give them a huge thrill and put them in a great mood. You don’t have to do what they say. In fact, they probably won’t even care if you do what they say.


You are feeling curious right now, especially about people and customs of other countries. This could be one of the most enlighteni­ng periods of your life if you let yourself follow your desire to ask more questions and take more social risks. Keep probing into areas that confuse, beguile, or even frustrate you. If you don’t understand something, then you need to figure it out. Don’t stop until you feel educated and rewarded. It shouldn’t take too long.


You have many layers to your personalit­y, which is good because it makes you an interestin­g person. But it can also be bad because each one of those layers is something you have to nurture consciousl­y. Right now, you aren’t spreading your energy around equally. Today, do something you’ve been neglecting for a while. Maybe it’s a hobby, maybe it’s accepting a truth, maybe it’s devoting attention to a loved one. But get yourself back in balance.


There’s a big challenge impeding your progress, and you need to start working on it today. It could be a really bad habit you need to break, a relationsh­ip that needs to end, or a person you need to set straight. Whatever is blocking you right now cannot (and should not) be ignored or it will grow into an uncontroll­able mess. Your first instinct may be to attack it head-on, but a constant quiet offensive is the best way to go. Just keep chipping away!


Feeling good about who you are and where you are in life will go a long way toward helping your body work at its peak. Sure, positive thinking alone can’t help you lose ten pounds or heal scrape, but it can go a long way toward helping you keep up with good eating habits and a workout regimen. You don’t know what the future holds. Don’t assume it’s full of bad things. Make your future what you want it to be.


Today, someone’s brilliant one-liner will do more than tickle your funny bone. It will ignite a tiny spark in your heart. Few people realize how having fun can lead to romance, though you have always understood the connection. Your ideal partner is more likely to be someone who makes you smile than someone who makes you swoon. Remember this when you are considerin­g which crushes to pursue. Hold off on accepting an invitation from anyone who’s coming on too strong.


When the going gets rough today, just reach out to your friends. That’s what they are for! While they might not be able to fix your problems, they can at least figure out a way to put a smile on your face. You’ve been in a bit of a low phase, but that isn’t necessaril­y anything to worry about. Everyone goes through these periods. It’s part of life. You need to feel whatever you’re feeling and work your way through emotions even if they are negative.


It’s time to start recognizin­g all of the attention you have been getting for what it truly is: praise and admiration! You may present a humble appearance on the outside, but let yourself feel very proud on the inside. You’ve earned the respect and popularity you have gained. Those compliment­s you keep getting are not the kind everyone else gets. They are not given lightly either. You’re someone others are watching with an eye toward the future. Recognize the impact you have on the world.


It’s usually a great idea to have a direct manner with people, but sometimes it’s much smarter to be subtle in your communicat­ion. Drop a hint and see if anyone picks up on it. Even if all you want to do is start a conversati­on, let someone else be the one to start it. Plant the seed with a brief mention of a tempting topic, and the curiosity of the people you’re with will take it from there. You are capable of being provocativ­e without being pushy right now.


Get ready to have a great day with your friends. There is a blast of high energy coming into your social circle now, and you will be loving all the good vibes bouncing around. Take advantage of any social invitation­s. Sharing small talk with people you know well will leave everyone in the room laughing and smiling. This is a period of bright opportunit­y for you, so it’s a great time for a job interview or any other situation where you want to make a good impression.


Sometimes when you plan too much in your life, you can suck all the fun right out of it. To avoid this downside, you have to let go of time and order today. Just think about what you want to do and go about doing it. Don’t schedule things or get too obsessed with watching the clock. You have enough discipline in your life, and you certainly don’t need any more. But what you could use is a giant dose of spontaneit­y. Loosen things up.


Everyone you’ll be dealing with today is on the same page as you, which means that there will be minimal conflict and maximum productivi­ty. While sometimes you have trouble working in a group, today you should find it rewarding and fun. It’s easy to work with people who see the world the same way you do, so you should try to stick with like-minded people today. You’re not in the mood to argue your points, so avoid naysayers.

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