Sunday People

Santa’s little dream killers


WHAT does Santa have when he calls at your house?

Sherry and a mince pie? Carrots for the reindeer?

Well, you might not have to bother with that little ritual this year. Because your kids have probably been told that Father Christmas is fake news.

Outraged parents say many teachers are “ruining” the festive magic for youngsters.

A school in Lincolnshi­re held an assembly where children were invited to smash a chocolate Father C with a hammer. Kids in Lancashire had to debate “Is Santa real?”

And other cack-handed attempts at teaching “the true meaning of Christmas” have left little ones confused and upset.

But the Scrooge Award for Killing Christmas must go to the Flowery Field Primary School in Greater Manchester. They staged an Elf’s murder –with fake blood and a tiny body outlined CSI style – so that kids could play detective.

Our kids grow up far too quickly these days.

Shouldn’t we make the magic last as long as possible?

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