Sunday People

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT... keeping kids Covid safe


“There have been reports of the rapid spread of Covid-19 cases in schools, so it’s understand­able that parents are concerned their children could catch the virus and bring it home,” says Prof Denis Kinane, immunologi­st (cignpostdi­

Currently, secondary-school pupils in England are being asked to take two lateral flow tests at school, three to five days apart. Pupils who test positive must then self-isolate at home for 10 days.

If cases rise, the Government may look to reintroduc­e compulsory mask-wearing in certain spaces.

“To help keep your children Covidsafe, I would recommend testing the whole family regularly, getting them to wear masks as much as possible, and provide some hand sanitiser to use when travelling on school buses or mixing with larger crowds,” says Prof Kinane.

“While keeping the virus at bay can’t be guaranteed, following sensible precaution­s will help to minimise your family’s chance of getting sick.”

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