The People's Friend

Citrus Stuffed Turkey Joint

Course: Main Skill level: medium Serves: 6


50 g (2 oz) butter

1 garlic clove, chopped finely

1 celery stick, chopped

1 onion, chopped finely

1 red pepper, diced finely

150 g (5½ oz) dried apricots, chopped finely

1 lemon, zest and juice Handful each of chopped parsley and thyme

200 g (7 oz) fresh breadcrumb­s

Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

60 ml (2¼ fl oz) stock

1 skinless boneless British turkey breast joint, about

1.8 kg (4 lb)

6 rashers streaky bacon

To Serve: roasted vegetables.

1 Pre-heat the oven to 230 deg. C., 450 deg. F., Gas Mark 8.

2 Heat half the butter in a frying-pan and cook the garlic, celery, onion and pepper until soft. Add the apricots, lemon zest and juice, herbs and breadcrumb­s and season.

3 Gradually add enough stock to make the stuffing moist but not wet.

4 Lay the turkey breast out flat, skin side down. Spoon the stuffing down the middle then roll up and tie.

5 Place the turkey breast upwards in a roasting tin, smear with the remaining butter and cover with the bacon.

6 Cover with foil and roast in the pre-heated oven for 50 mins per kilo plus 30 minutes extra, (or 25 minutes per pound, plus 20 minutes extra) removing the foil for the last 30 minutes. Check the juices run clear, remove from the oven, then leave to rest for 20 minutes. Serve sliced with a selection of roasted vegetables.

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