The People's Friend

We chat to Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin author M.C. Beaton

M.C. Beaton chats to Alex Corlett about Agatha Raisin and speaking her mind.


IT’S 25 years since Agatha Raisin made her debut appearance on bookshelve­s, in “The Quiche Of Death”, and now she’s back on the case with a new book from author M.C. Beaton.

Real name Marion Chesney, she’s sold over 20 million books around the world, including a large number of romantic fiction novels, mostly written before she created her two most famous characters, Hamish Mcbeth and Agatha Raisin.

A career in crime fiction seemed like a natural fit for the woman who covered crime for the “Daily Express” in Scotland early in her writing career. Did Marion already have an inkling that she might write about it?

“No, no, no – the crime I write about has got nothing to do with reality. Real crime was grim in Glasgow then. It was a very violent city.

“I used to read Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers – the classics – because they were an escape in the library. Justice was done, there were no lice-ridden tenements. When you’ve got enough of reality in your real life you dream about some escape from it.

“I never really thought of detective stories until I’d written over a hundred Regency romances. I thought if I don’t get out of 1811 to 1820, I’ll go stark raving bonkers!

“I’d read nothing but detective stories and the mind’s like a computer

– you can only get out what you put in.

“When I was living in the Sutherland wilderness, I thought it would make a good setting for a detective story and that was how it started.

“At that time there was nothing between Mills and Boon and the Booker Prize. I wanted a book you give to someone on a wet day who was having a bad time.”

People have tried to pigeonhole Marion’s work as “cosy crime”, and I’d heard that she preferred the term “comfy crime.” Was this true?

“Not really, but I resented the ‘cosy crime’. No-one would have dreamed of saying to Agatha Christie, ‘Oh, you’re a cosy crime writer’! Do you know what I mean? It’s patronisin­g.”

Marion’s exhausted her desire to write Regency romances, as the details of the research were so demanding. Even down to details like whether a visiting gentleman took his hat off or not – if he did, it meant he intended staying for at least 10 minutes.

Unfashiona­ble relatives from the country had to be educated in sophistica­ted city ways in special classes, and there was so much protocol that it made getting it right in the writing a nightmare.

As a result, Marion decided to fulfill her dream of a Sutherland mystery, and Hamish Macbeth was born.

Is there a little of Marion in her characters?

“Not in Hamish but in Agatha. You see, she’s not politicall­y correct and she sometimes says things I

would like to say!

“I remember when we could all smoke in restaurant­s and my printer friend . . . Well, on each table was a large glass ashtray so they lit up and the people behind started to cough so he called over the maitre d’ and said, ‘Could you remove these people, they’re bothering us!’

“Agatha’s a bit like that. She wears fur coats and eats Mcdonalds!”

Does Marion also enjoy being able to exorcise some demons by writing people into her stories and bumping them off?

“Oh, yes! You know, I used to go to romance writers’ convention­s and it can get quite competitiv­e and vicious.

“You should go to a crime writers’ convention – it’s quite cosy because I think we all get our spite out in our writing!”

She is full of praise for Val Mcdermid and Stuart Macbride, and openly admits that gatherings of writers like “Bloody Scotland” (her favourite), are a lovely chance to meet people in an otherwise quite isolating job.

Of course, one other vital relationsh­ip in her life is her long-standing partnershi­p with Hope Dellon, her editor.

“She’s incredible. And she always says, ‘I don’t keep an unpublishe­d manuscript in my bottom drawer’, meaning she’s an editor, pure and simple.

“If she tells you to change something, it changes – because she’s always spot on.”

Hope leaves the content entirely to Marion, as you might expect for someone so commercial­ly successful.

But despite her level of fame, Marion’s still always thinking of the reader, and what reaction she wants to get from them.

What kind of thing would she like a reader to say about her work?

“Someone to say, ‘You helped me through a bad time’ because that’s what I got out of books, and still get out of books now.”

And readers aside, do any of Marion’s fellow Cotswold residents react to the books? Does she feature any of them in the books?

“No, nobody I know at all is in the books. Bits of people appear. I was in Evesham once and it was pouring.

“OK, I was parked on a yellow line but I just nipped into the shop, when I came out there was this woman with a plastic thing over her head and she glares at me and says, ‘Look where that car’s parked!’

“I got in and she starts hammering the window and shouting at me. I just turned up the radio and drove off!

“That happens in one of the books, and Agatha just says, ‘Why aren’t you at home having a cup of tea? Why are you out abusing motorists?’”

Despite perhaps being notorious in the area for her parking, Marion manages to stay under the radar. She credits this to the neighbour who does all her publicity shots, a wedding photograph­er who always manages to make her “look thirty years younger. She’s a genius!”

“The thing about writers is that it might get you a table at the Ivy but nobody’ll recognise you! I think they recognise people like

Val Mcdermid, but the rest of us are pretty anonymous.”

Which Marion knows she prefers from moments of being recognised.

“I came out once and there were three teenagers from Germany and somehow they’d managed to get my address – I had a stinking cold, I wasn’t wearing make-up, I looked like a ratbag!” n

 ??  ?? Ashley Jensen stars as Agatha Raisin in the TV series on Sky 1.
Ashley Jensen stars as Agatha Raisin in the TV series on Sky 1.
 ??  ?? Hamish Macbeth pulled in over 11 million viewers at its peak.
Hamish Macbeth pulled in over 11 million viewers at its peak.
 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? “Agatha Raisin And The Witches’ Tree” by
M.C. Beaton, published by Constable, is available now from bookshops and online in hardback, RRP £16.99.
“Agatha Raisin And The Witches’ Tree” by M.C. Beaton, published by Constable, is available now from bookshops and online in hardback, RRP £16.99.

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