The People's Friend

Knitting: our hat and jersey set is perfect for a toddler

This delightful hat and top set is worked in a soft and light cotton yarn that’s perfect next to a little one’s skin.



To fit sizes: 3-6 Months, 9-12 Months, 12-18 Months. Actual sizes: 61 cm

(24 ins), 66 (26), 70 (27½). Length: 30 cm (11¾ ins), 34 (13½), 36 (14).

Sleeve seam: 14 cm (5½ ins), 18 (7), 22 (8¾).

Hat sizes: 0-3 Months, 3-6 Months, 6-12 Months, 12-18 Months.


3 (4, 5) 50-gram balls of Rico Baby Cotton Soft DK in Saffron (059) for top and 1 ball each of Saffron (059) M and Ecru (058) C for hat. One pair each 3.25 mm (No. 10), 3.75 mm (No. 9) and 4 mm (No. 8) knitting needles; 40 cm long 3.5 mm (No. 9) and 60 cm long 4 mm (No. 10) circular needle; 3.50 mm crochet hook; stitch-holders; 3 buttons for top and 1 button for hat. If you have difficulty finding the yarn used, you can order directly from several stockists including www.laughinghe­, telephone: 01829 740903.


21 sts and 44 rows to 10 cm measured over g-st using 4 mm needles for top. 23 sts and 44 rows to 10 cm measured over g-st using 3.75 mm needles for hat.


Beg – beginning; ch – chain; foll – following; g-st – garter sttch (knit every row); inc – increase; K– knit;

P– purl; rem – remaining; rnd(s) – round(s); rep – repeat; st(s) – stitch(es); st-st – stocking-stitch (K1row, P1row); tbl – through back of loop; tog – together.

Important Note

Directions are given for three sizes. Figures in brackets refer to the two larger sizes. Figures in square brackets [ ] refer to all sizes and are worked the number of times stated. When writing to us with your queries, you must enclose an SAE if you would like a reply.



With 3.25 mm needles and thumb method, cast on 64 (70, 74) sts.

Beg with a knit (right-side) row, work 6 rows in st-st. Change to g-st and work straight until work measures 16 (19, 21) cm, ending after a wrong-side row. Shape armhole – Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows – 56 (62, 66) rows. Leave these sts on a st-holder.


(MAKE 2 OF EACH PIECE) 1st piece – With 3.25 mm needles and thumb method, cast on 18 (18, 20) sts.

1st row – Knit until 2 sts rem, K1tbl, K1.

2nd row – K1, purl to end. Rep last 2 rows twice more. Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:

1st row – Knit until 2 sts rem, K1tbl, K1.

2nd row – K1, P1, knit to end.

The last 2 rows set the pattern. Work 2 rows more in pattern.

Next row – Inc in first st, pattern to end – 19 (19, 21) sts.

Next row – Pattern. Work 7 (11, 11) rows more in pattern, inc 1 st as before at beg of 3rd and every foll 4th row – 21 (22, 24) sts. Work 2 (0, 2) rows straight. Break off yarn, leave these sts on a stitch-holder.

2nd piece – With 3.25 mm needles and thumb method, cast on 18 (18, 20) sts.

1st row – K1, K1tbl, knit to end.

2nd row – Purl until 2 sts rem, P1, K1.

Rep last 2 rows twice more. Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows.

1st row – K1, K1tbl, knit to end.

2nd row – Knit until 2 sts rem, P1, K1.

The last 2 rows set pattern. Work 2 rows more in pattern. Next row – Pattern until 2 sts rem, inc in next st, K1 – 19 (19, 21) sts.

Next row – Pattern. Work 7 (11, 11) rows more in pattern, inc 1 st as before at end of 3rd and every foll 4th row – 21 (22, 24) sts. Work 2 (0, 2) rows straight. Join 1st & 2nd pieces thus: Next (wrong-side) row

– Knit until 2 sts rem, K1, knit tog last st and (with wrong side facing), first st of 21 (22, 24) sts left on a stitch-holder for first piece, knit to end – 41 (43, 47) sts.

Working in g-st, inc 1 st at each end of 1st (5th, 3rd) row and every foll 6th row until there are 53 (57,

63) sts.

Cont straight until work measures 14 (18, 22) cm from top of st-st roll, ending after a wrong-side row. Shape Sleeve Top – Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows – 45 (49, 55) sts. Leave these sts on a stitchhold­er. Repeat for other sleeve.


With 4 mm circular needle and right side facing, knit across 56 (62, 66) sts left on stitch-holder for back, work across 45 (49, 55) sts left on stitch-holder for first sleeve as follows:

K21 (23, 26), K2tog, K22 (24, 27), knit across 56 (62, 66) sts left on stitch-holder for front and work across 45 (49, 55) sts left on stitch-holder for second sleeve as follows: K22 (24, 27), K2tog, K21 (23, 26) – 200 (220, 240) sts.

Place a marker between last and first st, this will denote beg and end of round (right back raglan).

Working in rnds proceed as follows:

Next (right side) rnd – Purl. Next rnd – Knit.

Last 2 rows set g-st while working in rounds.

Work 3 (3, 1) rnds more.

3rd size only –

Next rnd – [K10, K2tog] 20 times – 220 sts.

Work 3 rounds more without shaping.

2nd and 3rd sizes only – Next rnd – [K9, K2tog] 20 times – 200 sts.

Work (5, 3) rounds straight. All sizes –

Next rnd – [K8, K2tog] 20 times – 180 sts.

Work 7 (5, 5) rounds straight. Next rnd – [K7, K2tog] 20 times – 160 sts.

Work 7 (5, 5) rounds straight. Work 9 rounds, dec 20 sts as before in next and foll 8th round – 120 sts.

Work 7 rounds straight. Break off yarn.

Working forwards and backwards in rows, divide for back opening as follows. Divide for back opening – Remove marker, slip first 16 sts from left-hand needle on to a stitch-holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts and K2tog, [K4, K2tog] 17 times, work across 16 sts left on stitch-holder as follows – [K4, K2tog] twice, K4 – 100 sts. Next row – Knit. Working in g-st, work 4 rows more.

Next row – K1, [K3, K2tog] 19 times, K4 – 81 sts. Work 5 rows more.

Shape neck – K37, turn and leave rem 44 sts on a stitch-holder.

Working on these 37 sts only, proceed as follows:

Work 4 rows, dec 1 st at neck edge on every row, AT SAME TIME dec sts across 2nd row as before – 25 sts.

Work 1 row straight. Leave these sts on a stitchhold­er.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to rem 44 sts and proceed as follows:

Next row – Cast off 7 sts, knit to end – 37 sts. Work 4 rows, dec 1 st at neck edge on every row AT SAME TIME dec sts across 2nd row as before – 25 sts.

Work 1 row straight. Leave these sts on a stitch holder.


Neckband – With 3.25 mm circular needle and right side facing, knit across 25 sts left on stitch-holder at left side of back neck and sleeve top, pick up and knit 29 sts evenly all around front neck and knit across 25 sts left on stitchhold­er at top of right sleeve and back neck – 79 sts. Beginning with a purl row, work 4 rows in st-st. Cast off. Back opening edge – With 3.25 mm needles or 3.25 mm circular needle and right side facing, beginning at lower edge of neckband, pick up and knit 20 sts evenly all around back opening, ending at beg of neckband. Cast off purlways.

Sleeve edge – With 3.25 mm needles or 3.25 mm circular needle and right side facing, beginning at top of st-st roll, pick up and knit 22 (24, 26) sts evenly all around sleeve opening at lower edge, ending at top of st-st roll. Cast off purlways. Repeat on other side.

To Make Up – Join side and sleeve seams. With 3.50 mm crochet hook, make an 8-ch loop on each sleeve opening and a 10-ch loop on back opening, to form button loops. Sew on buttons to correspond with loops. Block out garment to the measuremen­ts given and place under damp cloths and leave until dry.


With 3.25 mm needles, thumb method and M, cast on 79 (86, 92, 98) sts and beg with a knit (right-side) row, work 6 rows in st-st. Change to 3.75 mm needles and join in C.

Working in stripe sequence of 2 rows M, then 2 rows C, cont in g-st until work measures 11 (12, 12, 13) cm, ending after a right-side row.

1st, 2nd and 3rd sizes only – Knit to end, dec 1 (1, 0) sts in centre of row – 78 (85, 92) sts.

4th size only – Knit to end, inc 1 st in centre of the row – 99 sts.

All sizes – Shape crown – K1, [K2tog, K5] 11 (12, 13, 14) times – 67 (73, 79, 85) sts.

Work 3 rows straight.

5th row – K1, [K2tog, K4] 11 (12, 13, 14) times – 56 (61, 66, 71) sts.

Work 3 rows more.

9th row – K1, [K2tog, K3] 11 (12, 13, 14) times – 45 (49, 53, 57) sts.

Work 3 rows more.

13th row – K1, [K2tog, K2] 11 (12,13, 14) times – 34 (37, 40, 43) sts.

14th and 16th rows – Knit. 15th row – K1, [K2tog, K1] – 11 (12,13, 14) times – 23 (25, 27, 29) sts.

17th row – K1, [K2tog] 11 (12, 13, 14) times – 12 (13, 14, 15) sts.

18th row – [K2tog] 6 (6, 7, 7) times, K0 (1, 0, 1) – 6 (7, 7, 8) sts.

Break off yarn, run yarn through rem sts, draw up and fasten off.

FLOWER – With 3.75 mm needles and thumb method, cast on 75 sts, placing stitch markers every 15 sts.

Knit 1 row.

Cast off.

To Make Up – Join back seam. Sew first stitch of flower together with all the marked sts to form 5 flower petals. Sew flower to hat, with a button in the centre as shown in photograph. ■

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Next week: crochet this fun cactus!

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