The People's Friend

Rhododendr­ons, azaleas and camellias


If you’re in a rhododendr­on- or azalea-growing area, then this time of year is brilliant for their bright, showy blossom. Rhododendr­ons are generally easy-going plants, but they will appreciate a layer of mulch around their roots. Now is a good time to do that, as it’ll help protect the shrubs from drying out if we have another very dry summer.

The same goes for azaleas – now botanicall­y considered to be rhododendr­ons, too – and camellias. All three will have fewer flowers next year if their roots dry out this summer.

You can still plant rhododendr­ons in April, although it’s generally considered better to plant them in autumn. Make sure they’re well watered.

When I visited the famous rhododendr­on garden Leonardsle­e Lakes & Gardens in Sussex, the head gardener told me that it’s important to check the height of rhododendr­ons when you buy them.

Some will grow to 100ft high, while others are compact enough for a rock garden or a container. He also advised thinking about when it will flower when choosing the right spot for it in the garden.

It’s nice to place an early flowering rhododendr­on near the house, so you can enjoy it from a window. But you’ll be out in the garden more in May and June, so later-flowering rhododendr­ons can go further away.

Rhododendr­ons, azaleas and camellias are all good shrubs for partly shady areas of the garden, as they don’t like full sun. And they need protection from the wind. They like to grow in acid soil, but if you don’t have that, they’ll all do well in pots.

If you’re going to feed them as well as mulching, then now is a good time. Pick a feed for ericaceous plants and follow the instructio­ns on the packet carefully. The RHS says that camellias in particular won’t flower as well if they are over-fed or fed too late.

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