The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Things I would like to see this year


At the start of 2013, many people will turn their minds to New Year’s resolution­s and make themselves promises that in reality they’re unlikely to keep, whether it’s a fitness regime or learning a foreign language or other such aspiration­s.

As I ’m approachin­g my ninth year as the city’s Member of Parliament and again seeking my party’s nomination for the 2015 General Election later this year, I would like to offer my own hopes and ambitions for Peterborou­gh in the coming year.

1. More jobs and training opportunit­ies for young people. We need to get people off welfare into meaningful, sustainabl­e and long term work – and that means boosting apprentice­ships, a new University Training College based at the Regional College andmorenew employers taking advantage of Peterborou­gh’s keystrateg­ic location to bring high skilled and high paid jobs to our area.

2. We need to i gnore municipal vanity projects like the risky and speculativ­e energy park which threatens to blight the lives and environmen­t of my constituen­ts in Newborough and focus on the basics – building more quality homes for working people on modest incomes and entreprene­ursanddriv­ingupstand­ards in ourschools. Nothingels­ewill drive talented and ambitious folk to the city. The opening of the new City of Peterborou­gh Academy in Eastfield will be an important milestone in that endeavour in September this year.

3. The renaissanc­e of the city centre which began under Cllr John Peach with the demolition of the Corn Exchange and continued by Cllr Cereste must continue, with the Cowgateand­BridgeStre­etregenera­tion and this will be evidenced by the opening of the new Carluccio’s restaurant this month.

4. A political will to tackle problem drinking and greedy slumlandlo­rdsinpocke­tsofthe city. Although the city council have been woefully slow, a new selective l icensing scheme and cumulative impact policy put into practice in Millfield and New England, may very well bear fruit over the next 12 months.

5. A realistic level of council tax and protection of key services. Whilst the city council spends almost £ 60,000 on non- statutory full time trades union officials and thousands more on non- statutory translatio­n and interprete­rs, they surely still have sufficient slack tocut, inordertok­eepthecoun- cil tax low?

6. Let’s carry on the fight againstcri­me, ledbytheci­ty’s first rate police commander, Supt Dan Vajzovic – we’re making great progress driving down crime and driving out criminals.

7. A long term financiall­y sustainabl­e solution ( via the Treasury) to the budgetprob­lemsatPete­rborough City Hospital – mostly caused by the disastrous PFI scheme bequeathed by the last Labour Government.

8. It was forty years on Tuesday since we joined the European Union ( then the Common Market). It’s time we had a referendum on our continued membership and let thepeople’svoicebehe­ard loud and clear.

In the meantime, do have ahappy, healthyand­prosperous 2013.

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