The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Diary Of A Bad Dad


Is it possible for a 10- month- old baby to show off? If it is, Baby T is showing signs of being a bigger attention seeker than Jordan. Santa came to Thornton Towers and so did Baby T’s grannies which seemed to be the cue for my darling little daughter to launch a charm offensive of epic proportion­s.

Not that she needed to of course as her grannies would adore her come what may.

Baby T has had a blind spot when it comes from drinking out of her cup. She’ll happily drink from it as long as mum or dad were holding it for her.

We’ve spent weeks trying to get her to do it herself without success, and had decided she was just being a princess.

On Christmas Eve with my mumakaYork­shire Mother in attendance Mrs T rather sarcastica­lly ( a bit harsh seeing as how she is only 10 months old) said to Baby T: “Show granny how you drink fr0m your cup.’’

At which point Baby T picked it up and started slurping away merrily like she’d been doing it for months .

I swear she also shot her muma look which said: “I’ll do things when I’m ready, not when you are.’’

As if this wasn’t enough, on Christmas morning she decided the time ( nothing to do with having an audience!) was right to start crawling.

I can’t wait til next Christmas Day when she’ll probably greet the grannies on a unicycle before announcing she’s cooking the turkey.

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