The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Victory in war on speeding

- By StephenBri­ggs stephen.briggs@peterborou­ Twitter: @ PTstephenB 01733 588734

A new weapon to tackle speeding motorists has been introduced on a busy city road following a campaign from residents.

The new speed warning signs have been put in place on Mayor’s Walk, a 30mphzone, after drivers were seen speeding along at up to 60mph.

The signs flash up the speed a motorist is driving at as he or she passes a camera.

The campaign was lead by Ravensthor­pe councillor Gul Nawaz, who said the safety of school children and the elderly were being put at risk by thoughtles­s motorists.

He said: “We have been campaignin­g for over a year for something like this.

“I have had so many people say they are concerned about drivers speeding along the road.

“There are a lot of elderly people in the area, and there is also West TownSchool, and a number of shops as well.

“People drive along the road at 60mph, and one day a child will be hit by someone.

“The warning signs are a good start, but it would be good to see proper speed cameras in the area as well.”

Alan Straney( 86), wholives on Edwalton Avenue, which runs off Mayor’s Walk, said: “It has been a real problem for a long time.

“There are a lot of school children about, and it is very dangerous.

“When I’m walking down Mayor’s Walk and I see speeding motorists I try and wave my arms to slow them down.”

A spokes person for Peterborou­gh City Council, said: “The flashing speed signs were arranged by the Neighbourh­ood Manager on Thursday, January 31, after concerns of speeding were raised.

“The signs flash at traffic travelling over the speed limit, but in this case al so monitor the individual speed of each vehicle as part of a survey to find out the extent of speeding in the area.

“Peterborou­gh West Neighbourh­ood Committee purchased the signs last financial year and they are now reused across the west area of the city, as and when needed.”

A spokesman for Cambridge shire polices aid the speed signs were not a policing matter, and speeding on Mayor’s Walk was not a current panel priority in the area.

 ??  ?? Alan Straney and Cllr Nawaz
Alan Straney and Cllr Nawaz

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