The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Tough choices, but the right ones?

- > MarkEdward­s >@ PT MarkEdward­s

The city council’s controvers­ial budget has been approved. It’s a budget that affects everyone in the city and it’s one which leaves big questions unanswered. Should the city invest hundreds of millions in a controvers­ial energy park? There are no guarantees of success if it goes ahead and no obvious alternativ­es if it doesn’t. That debate is far from over and will get more heated in the coming weeks. Campaigner­s have a right to feel aggrieved on some areas. Should a council that can’t afford £ 110,000 to keep children’s play centres open be approving £ 150,000 to keep a preserved steam locomotive running? The Nene Valley Railway loco City of Peterborou­gh is a superb thing that attracts tourists, but shouldn’t its future be secured by fundraisin­g rather than a council donation? Should a council that wants to save money by phasing out meals on wheels be spending £ 80,000 on publishing its ownYour Peterborou­gh magazine four times a year instead of two? The council has to balance its books and faces some no- win choices, but those whocampaig­ned against cuts have a right to question whether the protests and petitions made during the ‘ consultati­on’ had any effect at all. In these tough economic times there are still some whowill dig deep for a good cause. It is fantastic news that brave Jenson Ford will get the medical treatment he needs thanks to community fundraiser­s and an incredibly generous benefactor who gave £ 25,000. And well done to Mayor of Peterborou­gh George Simons and wife Sylvia whose tireless fundraisin­g has helped keep the Rudolf Fund making dreams come true for those who need it most. Truly marvellous efforts.

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